Our school entrance experts have a deep knowledge of the syllabus and latest exam formats.
Many of our 7 plus exam tutors are qualified primary school teachers. Read on to find out why a qualified teacher can be the best fit for you and your child.
A qualified teacher in the UK has a completed degree and a QTS (Qualified Teacher Status), or a PGCE (Post Graduate Certificate of Education), which is an additional academic qualification which includes QTS.
In addition to gaining their QTS after a nine-month or year-long course including teaching placements, all teachers who qualified after 7 May 1999 in the UK must successfully complete their Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT) training. The NQT teacher induction period is required to teach in maintained schools and non-maintained special schools in England.
A formal teaching qualification certainly helps equip a tutor with the skills needed to teach effectively and appropriately either at primary or secondary level. All qualified teachers have undergone teaching placements and formal observations assessing their teaching ability and they know the National Curriculum requirements very well.
Many of the tutors who work with Mentor Education have a formal teaching qualification, but we also work with many experienced, professional tutors specialising in school admission tuition for the 7+, 11+ and 13+, as well as GCSE and A Level tuition at secondary level.
Both groups of tutors have something very significant in common, which is commitment to the highest standards of tutoring and a track record of success. All of Mentor Education tutors have an Enhanced DBS certificate, a completed degree, relevant references, a minimum of 2-3 years of teaching or tutoring experience. They have all also completed an onboarding interview conducted by a Mentor Education team member. Moreover, all of our tutors know how to create, and deliver, a learning programme that is tailored to the needs of an individual.
Read more about some of the school entrance specialists and qualified primary teachers we have on our books here at Mentor:
Contact us for expert advice about tuition, Academic Assessments and the next steps for your child.