
Elite Tutors for International Families

Supporting International Families with Elite Tutors

We support a small number of international families with requirements for elite tutors. Typically, our elite tutors have an educational background including the best schools and Oxbridge, and are used to supporting families with the highest aspirations for quality. Our educators go beyond tutoring and provide wide ranging mentoring for young people who may have roles in public life in the future. We help them grow into confident young adults, self-aware and with a passion for learning. We have experience supporting the education dreams of royal families, sporting professionals, media personalities and successful business executives. We are trusted because of our track record of providing the best in terms of tutoring, mentoring and quality of service. Our elite, professional tutors have deep expertise in school entrance, in grade uplift, preparing for Oxbridge and US university admission. Our holistic support includes an international level of mentorship with trips to Newmarket with senior jockeys, or to the Natural History Museum to learn about Dinosaurs with the leading experts. They are used to dealing with the complexities of internationally mobile families.

Elite tutors and Experience Professional Educators

Our tutors are some of the finest in the industry. We use experienced teachers or highly experienced professional tutors. We find bespoke tutors who match the needs of each family. With a 13 year old boy who needed guidance for a future in public life we placed a qualified teacher who had served with an elite British army regiment. With a seven year old girl with a passion for nature we supplied a residential teacher with an expertise in big cats. For a family with a child with some additional needs we placed a fully qualified and very loving special needs teachers who had themselves raised boys with additional needs. For a highly academic child looking at future Oxbridge we placed a tutor with a Double First from Oxford who had served on the admissions team for an Oxford College.  In short, our tutors are the best that money can buy.

Our team is recognised as the finest in our Industry

Our expertise is shown by the fact that we feature in Tatler’s Good Schools Guide, we were the Tuition Provider of the Year at the main industry investor awards, we are a corporate member of the Tutors’ Association and our CEO is its Vice-President. The Times says we are, “Mentor Education helps children to thrive academically and build their confidence.”. We have an unrivalled expertise and knowledge of the finest schools in Britain and deep experience helping international families access them. Our book “How to pass the 11 plus” is recognised as the industry gold standard guide. Our Registrar was formerly a senior administrator at one of the oldest and most prestigious independent schools in Britain and is an expert on school admissions. Our Director of Education was the Deputy Head at one of the UK’s leading independent Girls Schools, so we have detailed expertise in managing GCSEs, A-Levels, IB and Oxbridge entry.

How our elite tutors can support you

We can support your busy lifestyles and schedules. Our services range from placing residential full time elite tutors, to supporting home schooling, to ensuring that you have a guide with you every step of the education journey. We can work within the UK or internationally. Recent mandates have included supporting a Middle Eastern Royal family with their son’s transition to secondary school in the Middle East; supporting a retired professional footballer as they moved their child from France to the UK; supporting two parents with high powered legal careers with home tutoring for their young twins; and supporting an internationally mobile family with tutoring needs as they moved across the year between homes in New York, London and Paris.

If you are interested in discussing how we can put your child on the path to academic excellence then do contact us.
