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School-led tutoring grant

What is the school-led tutoring grant?

School-led tutoring grant is part of the Government led National Tutoring Programme (NTP) in 2021/22 to help children catch up from their missed education during the pandemic. As part of this scheme, all state schools have access to a ring-fenced grant to source tutoring provision for their disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils who have missed the most education due to COVID-19.

How is it different to the main National Tutoring Programme?

To take advantage of the main National Tutoring Programme, schools must engage with a small number of selected providers chosen by the Government. However, last year schools gave feedback that they would like more flexibility to choose the tutors they use.  This was because many schools wanted in fact to use tutors with who they are already familiar.

This new funding, the school-led tutoring grant, enables schools to select internal or external capacity to meet the diverse needs of their pupils. Some schools might choose to use their own teachers or teaching assistants who are more familiar with their pupils to deliver tutoring, whilst others might choose to buy in local tutoring provisions. The grant is designed to help close the education gap between disadvantaged pupils.

Why Tutoring?

The latest Government research shows that tutoring has the biggest positive impact on pupils’ academic progress. Evidence suggests that, compared to their peers who do not receive tuition, pupils who receive small group tuition may make, on average, 4 months additional progress and pupils who receive one-to-one tuition may make, on average, 5 months additional progress. This is likely linked to pupils receiving more feedback, being more engaged and completing work tailored to their specific needs in their tutoring sessions. Tutoring can also help pupils to build resilience.

Research by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) and National Foundation for Educational Research shows that individual tuition builds pupils’ confidence and provides opportunities for staff to identify areas requiring specialist support. Many pupils find that tutoring offers a safe space to talk about concepts they have struggled within the classroom. Clear, positive and encouraging communication between tutors, staff and pupils is important.

Research into affordable primary tuition found that pupils who received tuition made +3 months additional progress. It also found that tuition was particularly effective when there was good communication between the tutor and school staff and between the tutor and pupils.

Is my school eligible for the grant?

All state-funded schools and academy trusts, with students in years 1 to 11 who are eligible to receive pupil premium funding, have access to the school-led tutoring grant. 

This includes all local-authority primary and secondary schools, special schools and academies, alternative provision schools and academies and hospital schools maintained by a local authority. 

Whilst the grant is aimed at supporting disadvantaged pupils eligible for the pupil premium, schools can use it to source extra tutoring for any child that would benefit from the support. 

How much will schools receive & when will the grant be paid?

The school-Led tutoring grant is an extra funding source to offer disadvantaged learners from Year 1 – Year 11 extra support after learning loss due to school closures in 2020.

Each school will receive funding of £203 for 60% of their pupils eligible under the premium pupil fund, this represents 75% of the tutoring costs and schools will need to source the additional 25% through other budgets. 

There is also a higher rate payable to specialist schools and units, who will receive £529 per pupil for 60% of their pupil premium cohort. 

The grant is an automatic payment and the money should automatically go to eligible schools across the UK. 


Can schools use both NTP and school-led tutoring grant?

Yes, both funding streams are independent of each other, and schools can use both. We can advise you further in understanding how best to utilise the funding available to support disadvantaged and vulnerable students.

NTP funding has set criteria which must be followed, for example 65% of pupils selected for the programme should be eligible for pupil premium, and pupils can access only one 15-hour block of tuition.  The School-Led Grant offers schools more flexibility in the delivery of tuition such as the selection of students, number of hours of tuition and subjects.

How Mentor Education can help?

At Mentor Education, we’ve supported over 90,000 pupils with their education, both in school and out of school. We work closely with schools and academy trusts to identify key areas of improvement for each individual learner, and seek the input of each teacher to ensure funds are allocated to the students who need it most.

Established in 1981, Mentor Education has helped thousands of pupils and schools. For the past 40+ years we have provided:

  • In-person and online tuition programmes
  • One-to-one and small group tuition
  • Fully qualified and thoroughly vetted Tutors (75% fully qualified teachers)
  • Comprehensive ILPs and Learner Progress Reports
  • Inspirational tutors who encourage pupils confidence and progression.

Our Tutors

  • Highly experienced and qualified tutors (75% fully qualified teachers)
  • Rigorous safer recruitment and vetting processes
  • Educators selected for their subject knowledge and ability to engage with students
  • We teach all subjects, levels and exam boards applicable to the School Led Tutoring Grant.

School-led tutoring grant for core subject areas

Mentor Education can help your students get back on track by teaching them in small groups of learners (normally 3:1) and delivering to them bespoke 15 week learning programmes in the following subjects: 

  • English: KS1 – KS4
  • Maths: KS1 – KS4 
  • Science: KS1 – KS4 
  • Modern Languages: KS1 – KS4 
  • Humanities

One to one support is also available where pupils need extensive support or have additional learning needs.  However, most students will really benefit from some help to catch up in small groups with their peers and our tutors are well placed to deliver a bespoke learning programme that provides young people with the skills they need to succeed at GCSE and beyond.

Bespoke student reporting system

When you work with Mentor Education, you’ll work with a dedicated schools liaison officer to define learning objectives and goals for each pupil we support. We will then dovetail with your school systems, policies and tech to track attendance, goals and progress. 


The Department of Education has stated that schools can use their discretion to decide which pupils are in most need of the extra funding – including children that aren’t part of the pupil premium programme. 

As schools will have to contribute 25% of the tuition costs and will be expected to pay higher rates in the future, they should focus on offering extra academic support to pupils that will benefit most from the academic support. 

Schools can also source small group tutoring services or try an online tutoring programme which gives their students more flexibility.

The School-Led Tutoring Grant will cover 75% of tuition costs up to £13.50 p.p.p.h. Our rates indicate our commitment to providing young learners with the skills to succeed and the high-quality tutors that represent our company. 

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