Academic testing for 4 Plus Assessment

In general, 4 plus assessments focus on the behaviours needed for success at school. However, at the most selective schools there is an academic attainment aspect to the tests. We teach both through our 4 Plus Pillars. Many parents want to know thought if their children will thrive at a selective independent school. Obviously, it is hard to assess raw intellect with three years old. At Mentor Education we do an academic assessment test called Aspects which is suitable for use with three year olds. We do this in conjunction with CEM which is the part of Cambridge University responsible for testing. This testing and exam provider actually set around 70% of independent school entrance exams and their assessments are used by many prep schools to measure progress. The test that we do with them involves a digital test which the child does in our classrooms with one of our specialist 4 plus teachers. This is followed by fine and gross motor skills tests. These are fun and involve fingerpaints and simple dexterity tasks. The children just think that they are playing games and have no idea that they are being tested. The results are then inputted into a database of other children’s results to give a standardised age adjusted score for Literacy and Mathematics Development and another standardised age adjusted for Motor Development.

Firstly, this tells us where your child is at from a developmental perspective in a way which is quantitative rather than subjective. Secondly, It also allows us to track your child’s progress through our programme so that we can make sure you are on track. We take preparation for 4 plus seriously and ensure that we blend both practitioner experience, school assessment knowledge, deep understanding of children with this scientific approach to development.

This test is included as standard in the initial assessment when you buy our main assessment and preparation package.

You can book this here:
