We are running intensive 1-2-1 sessions during October to help children prepare for the 4 plus. We strongly encourage you to book in for the full week so that we can move the dial over that full period. Our dedicated and specialist teachers can make a substantial difference to common issues that a child is facing:
These sessions all involve a 1-2-1 child / teacher ratio, but we may also place children into pairs for some tasks to teach turn taking, interdependent play and dependent play.
You can have session from either 9.30 – 10.30 or from 10.30 to 11.30.
Monday 16th October – Friday 20th October: Highgate School
Monday 23rd October – Friday 27th October: Hampstead Parochial School
If you are already a client of ours then you can allocate any of your existing sessions to these dates. Otherwise please book below to buy new session dates.
These sessions are also suitable for 3 plus preparation.