Our school entrance experts have a deep knowledge of the syllabus and latest exam formats.
Shani is a dedicated tutor with years of experience in tutoring children for their 7 plus and 11 plus entrance exams to some of the top London schools. With over 10 years of experience as a tutor in English and Verbal reasoning, she is fully up-to-date with the current syllabi.
Shani runs creative writing classes for children, where she encourages children to develop their creative skills. Her many years of experience and her endeavours outside of tuition sessions mean that she has an excellent bank of resources that she uses to ensure her pupils make excellent progress.
Notable achievements:
Shani’s recent tutees have gained places at Haberdashers’ Aske’s, St Margaret’s and University College School
At 11+, Shani has got children into Latymer, City of London Boys’, Mill Hill Schools and UCS
With a passion for the performing arts, Shani holds a Licentiate from the Royal Academy of Music
Shani holds a Youth Mental Health Aid certificate
Beyond her tutoring career, she is a published author and a children’s television script writer – having recently worked writing for Universal Studios.
You can find out more about Shani over on her website.
“We were very happy with Shani and her involvement definitely helped to significantly improve Jessie’s academic attainment – he passed all exams (really well!). Jessie got on well with Shani and we were also pleased with her from the get-go. Really organised and focused approach.”
“My son has had two lesson sessions with Shani and it has been a really good start. She is very professional and knows what she is doing. Look forward to her helping my son to fine tune his knowledge.”
Get in Touch
Contact us for expert advice about tuition, Academic Assessments and the next steps for your child.